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Elevate Your Business with Design Thinking as a Service by OriginUX Studio

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Our Design Thinking as a Service (DTaaS) offers a comprehensive, end-to-end solution that empowers businesses to tackle challenges creatively, design innovative solutions, and drive meaningful change.

What we do

Empower businesses using user-centric approach to problem-solving

Tailored Design Thinking Strategy

We understand that each business is unique. Our DTaaS is customized to align with your specific goals, challenges, and industry requirements, ensuring that solutions are not just innovative but also relevant and actionable.

Cross-functional Collaboration

Our approach brings together diverse perspectives from across your organization. By fostering collaboration between departments, we ensure comprehensive solutions that address various facets of your business.

Continuous Support and Iteration

Design Thinking is an iterative process. Our team offers ongoing support, from ideation through implementation, ensuring that solutions evolve with your business and market demands.

Scalable Solutions

Whether you’re a startup looking to carve out a niche or an established enterprise aiming for transformation, our services are scalable to your business size and growth stage.

Our Design Thinking Process


We start by understanding your challenge in-depth, employing empathy to grasp the needs of your users.


Through collaborative workshops, we define the problem and ideate on potential solutions.


Prototyping allows us to turn ideas into tangible solutions, ready for testing and refinement.


We support the implementation of tested solutions, ensuring they’re scalable, impactful, and aligned with your business goals.

Clients who trust us

OriginUX Studio is your go to Design Thinking Agency

Expert Guidance

Our team consists of seasoned design thinkers, strategists, and innovators who bring a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success in various industries.

User-Centric Approach

At the heart of our service is a deep commitment to understanding and empathizing with end-users, ensuring that solutions not only meet but exceed their needs and expectations.


We measure our success by the tangible outcomes achieved through our collaborations. Our focus is on delivering solutions that drive growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase operational efficiency.

Innovative Mindset

We believe in challenging the status quo. Our service encourages a culture of innovation within your team, equipping you with the tools and mindset to continuously innovate.

Elevate Your Business with Design Thinking as a Service

We'll guide your team with a user-centric approach to navigate today's business landscape.

OriginUX Studio's Design Thinking Workshops

Unlock your team's creative potential with OriginUX Studio's Design Thinking Workshops. Our expertly crafted sessions are designed to foster innovation, solve complex problems, and drive transformative results. Whether you're a startup aiming for disruption or an established company seeking to innovate within your industry, our workshops provide the tools, techniques, and mindset necessary to bring groundbreaking ideas to life.

What We Offer

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Immersive Learning Experience

Engage in hands-on activities that guide you through the Design Thinking process from empathy to prototyping and testing. Our workshops are not just about learning; they're about doing.

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Expert Facilitation

Our workshops are led by seasoned design thinkers with extensive experience in facilitating innovation across various industries. They'll share insights, techniques, and real-world applications of Design Thinking principles.

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Collaborative Environment

Collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, leveraging collective knowledge to tackle challenges and explore new opportunities.

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Customized Content

We tailor our workshops to your organization's unique challenges and objectives. Whether you're looking to improve customer experience, develop new products, or streamline services, our workshops are adapted to meet your needs.

Workshop Deliverables

Empathy Maps

Visual representations that capture insights about the target users' behaviors, thoughts, feelings, and needs. Empathy maps help teams understand and empathize with the users they are designing for.

User Personas

Detailed profiles of the archetypal users, including their backgrounds, goals, and pain points. Personas help in focusing the design process on user-centric solutions.

Problem Statements

Clearly defined statements that summarize the core challenges faced by users. These statements are crafted based on user research and are pivotal in guiding the ideation process.

User Journey Maps

Diagrams that illustrate the steps users go through to accomplish a specific goal within the product or service. These maps highlight user pain points and opportunities for improving the user experience.

Ideation Outputs

A collection of ideas generated during brainstorming sessions. These can include sketches, notes, and concepts developed by participants as potential solutions to the defined problem statements.


Tangible representations of ideas, ranging from low-fidelity sketches to more refined digital mock-ups. Prototypes are used to explore and test design concepts quickly and cost-effectively.

User Feedback Reports

Summaries of the feedback gathered from testing the prototypes with real users. These reports highlight what worked well and what needs improvement, providing valuable insights for further refinement of the solution.

Action Plan

A detailed roadmap outlining the next steps, responsibilities, timelines, and resources required to develop and implement the proposed solutions. This plan helps in transitioning from the workshop phase to the actual project execution.

Workshop Summary

A comprehensive document or presentation that encapsulates the key findings, insights, decisions, and outcomes of the workshop. This deliverable is essential for sharing the workshop's results with stakeholders and for guiding future project phases.

Who Should Attend

Our Design Thinking Workshops are perfect for professionals across all levels and industries, including product managers, designers, marketers, engineers, and business leaders looking to embed innovation into their work culture.

Design Thinking is a versatile and user-centric approach to solving complex problems and driving innovation. At its core, Design Thinking focuses on understanding the needs of the end-users and leveraging creativity to propose innovative solutions. Various frameworks have been developed to guide teams through the Design Thinking process.

Here, we'll explore several types of Design Thinking frameworks that can be applied to solve business problems across different domains:

The Classic 5-Stage Model

Developed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (, this model guides teams through five phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. It's particularly effective for developing deep insights into user needs and rapidly iterating solutions. This framework is versatile and can be adapted to almost any kind of business problem, from product development to enhancing service delivery.

The Double Diamond

Developed by the Design Council, the Double Diamond framework consists of four phases: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. It emphasizes divergent and convergent thinking stages, where teams first expand their understanding of a problem and then refine and implement solutions. This framework is useful for tackling problems that require a broad exploration of potential solutions before narrowing down to specific implementations.

IDEO’s Three Phases

IDEO, a global design company, simplifies the process into three phases: Inspiration, Ideation, and Implementation. This framework is especially beneficial for teams looking for a flexible approach that encourages starting with broad inspiration, moving through ideation cycles, and finally implementing scalable solutions. It’s particularly suited for innovation-driven projects and organizational change initiatives.

Google’s Design Sprint

A more recent addition, Google’s Design Sprint framework condenses the design thinking process into a five-day sprint. Each day is dedicated to a specific phase: Understand, Sketch, Decide, Prototype, and Test. This framework is designed for rapid problem-solving and is particularly effective for validating ideas and solutions quickly before committing significant resources.

The Lean UX

Rooted in Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX focuses on the continuous improvement of products and services by integrating design thinking with user feedback loops. It emphasizes a shift from heavy deliverables to a more lightweight, collaborative approach. Lean UX is particularly effective for teams working in fast-paced environments where user needs and business requirements are constantly evolving.

Service Design Thinking

Service Design Thinking extends traditional design thinking principles to the design and improvement of services. It involves understanding the user journey, service touchpoints, and the back-end operations that enable the service. This framework is particularly useful for organizations looking to enhance customer service experiences or streamline service delivery processes.

By choosing the appropriate Design Thinking framework, organizations can tackle specific business challenges with a structured, user-centric approach that fosters innovation and delivers tangible results.

Design Thinking for every function of your business

Design Thinking Bangalore

Design Thinking is a versatile and powerful methodology that can drive innovation and solve complex challenges across various organizational functions.

Below are use cases illustrating how Design Thinking can be applied to different departments such as Sales, Marketing, Human Resources (HR), Product Development, and Customer Service.



Customer Journey Mapping

Utilize Design Thinking to map out the entire customer journey, from awareness to purchase. This can help identify pain points and opportunities to enhance the sales process, making it more aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Value Proposition Refinement

Workshops focused on understanding the customer's perspective can lead to a refined value proposition that resonates more deeply with target audiences, thereby increasing conversion rates.



Campaign Design

Implement Design Thinking to develop marketing campaigns that are deeply empathetic to the target audience's desires and challenges. This approach ensures campaigns are more engaging, relevant, and effective.

Content Strategy Development

Use customer insights and ideation sessions to create a content strategy that speaks directly to customer needs, increasing engagement and brand loyalty.


Human Resources (HR)

Employee Experience Enhancement

Apply Design Thinking to reimagine the employee journey from recruitment to retirement. By empathizing with employees, HR can create more meaningful engagement strategies, improve retention, and foster a positive workplace culture.

Training Program Development

Design Thinking can help in developing training programs that are tailored to the actual needs and learning styles of employees, making these programs more effective and enjoyable.


Product Development

User-Centric Product Design

Use Design Thinking to involve users early in the product development process. Feedback loops and prototyping can lead to products that better meet user needs and have a higher chance of success in the market.

Feature Innovation

Ideation workshops can uncover innovative features and improvements for existing products, driven by real user insights and creative problem-solving techniques.


Customer Service

Service Touchpoint Optimization

Design Thinking can identify and improve key touchpoints in the customer service journey, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

Problem Resolution Strategies

By understanding customer frustrations and needs, teams can develop more effective, empathetic strategies for problem resolution, turning negative experiences into positive ones.



Process Redesign

Apply Design Thinking to streamline operations, making processes more efficient and user-friendly for both employees and customers.

Innovation Culture

Foster a culture of innovation within operations by encouraging a mindset of continuous improvement and openness to change, inspired by Design Thinking principles.

By integrating Design Thinking across these functions, organizations can foster a culture of innovation, improve efficiency, and create more meaningful experiences for both employees and customers.

Design Thinking has been instrumental in solving a wide array of business challenges across various industries. Its user-centric approach ensures that solutions are not only innovative but also deeply aligned with the needs and expectations of the end-users.

Below are some famous use cases where Design Thinking has been applied to address business challenges effectively

Product Development and Innovation

Apple's Approach to User-Friendly Products

Apple's consistent use of Design Thinking has led to the creation of groundbreaking products like the iPhone and iPad, which focus on the user experience, making technology accessible and intuitive for all users.

Improving Customer Experience

Bank of America's "Keep the Change" Program

By understanding customers' needs for saving money effortlessly, Bank of America developed the "Keep the Change" service, which rounds up purchases to the nearest dollar and transfers the difference to the customer's savings account.

Service Design and Delivery

Cleveland Clinic's Patient Experience Redesign

Cleveland Clinic used Design Thinking to overhaul its patient care experience, leading to significant improvements in patient satisfaction by redesigning service touchpoints and internal processes from a patient-centered perspective.

Digital Transformation

IBM’s Shift to a Design-Centric Culture

IBM transformed its approach to software and service development by embedding Design Thinking principles at the core of its operations, leading to more user-friendly and successful products and services.

Operational Efficiency and Process Improvement

Toyota’s Production System

While not often labeled as Design Thinking, the principles behind Toyota’s approach to continuous improvement (Kaizen) and its focus on the end-user (both the internal and external customer) align closely with Design Thinking methodologies, leading to highly efficient and adaptable production systems.

Brand Development and Marketing Strategy

PepsiCo’s Product Innovation

Under the leadership of former CEO Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo used Design Thinking to revamp its product lines and marketing strategies, focusing on healthier products and sustainable packaging, which resonated well with changing consumer preferences.

Sustainability and Social Impact’s Clean Water Initiative applied Design Thinking to address the clean water crisis in developing countries, resulting in innovative solutions like the portable water filter that’s both affordable and easy to use for end-users in remote areas.

Human Resources and Organizational Culture

Google’s Work Environment

Google has applied Design Thinking principles to create a work environment that fosters creativity and innovation, including the physical layout of its offices, its approach to team collaboration, and its culture of open communication.

Healthcare Solutions

GE Healthcare’s Adventure Series

GE Healthcare redesigned its MRI machines and procedures for children by using Design Thinking to create the Adventure Series, transforming the intimidating scan process into a kid-friendly adventure, reducing the need for sedation and improving scan accuracy.

Retail and E-commerce Experiences

Nike’s Retail Innovation

Nike uses Design Thinking to create immersive retail experiences, both online and in physical stores, focusing on personalization, digital integration, and community-building, thereby enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

These use cases illustrate the broad applicability of Design Thinking in solving diverse business challenges by prioritizing empathy, collaboration, and iteration. Whether it's through product innovation, customer experience, operational efficiency, or tackling social issues, Design Thinking offers a structured approach to creativity and problem-solving that can lead to substantial improvements and innovations in business and society.

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